CEE Spin Coater and Hotplate

The Brewer 100CB is a programmable spin coater and hotplate.
Spin Coating
Operating Manual
*Note that the instructions below may not contain the most recent updates. Please refer to the manuals printed and posted at the equipment.
1. Using alignment fixture, load and center wafer on chuck:Alignment fixture can be adjusted for 3” and 4” wafers.
2. Choose desired recipe by pressing ‘OPT.’ button until ‘CEE 100CB AUTO DISP’appears onscreen.
3. Press ‘RUN’ button followed by the number of the desired recipe and then ‘ENTER’.Coater will rotate wafer and ask toverify wafer centering.
4. Press ‘START’ when ready to begin spin coating and dispense photo resist at appropriate time in spin recipe.
5. If part of spin recipe, for edge bead removal step apply EdgeBead Remover(EBR)to wafer using Qtip swabs.Unload waferand press Reset to silenceend of process.
6. For brewer 115 °C soft bake, press ‘OPT.’ button until ‘CEE100CB HOTPLATE’appears onscreen. Press ‘RUN’followed bythe desired baking program number and then ‘ENTER’.Press‘START’ and place wafer on hot plate.
7. Unload wafer from hot plate upon completion of bake.
8. Remember to replace orange absorbent pad in spinner bowland rinseany residue in bowl with EBR.