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MMF Outreach Mission

The Montana Microfabrication Facility focuses on the science and engineering that affects everyday life. The kind of engineering that can’t been seen by the visible eye, but are vital in the production of computers, phones, medical equipment, and so many other types of devices. Microfabrication not only improves the functionality of these devices, but can also aid in the creation of new technology.

The MMF works to share what microfabrication can offer to students and staff alike. Outreach not only goes to college students and staff, but to those in high school and elementary school. Offered at the MMF are a variety of workshops, programs, and activities.


Past Outreach


Nanodays is an event created by the Nanoscale Information Science Network to teach families, staff, and children about micro and nanotechnology. Institutions and organizations across over the country can host events or presentations using Nanokits. These nanokits help to teach the fundamental science and engineering behind nanotechnology in a fun and interesting way.


Students at Mt. Ellis Academy, a private school in Bozeman, were able to learn more about the MMF facility by seeing it for themselves. Staff presented common equipment and processes used in microfabrication.

MONT Facility Solar Cells for Teachers Summer Program

During the week of July 9, 2018, four K-12 teachers participated in MONT's Solar Cells for Teachers summer Workshop, presented by Dr. Todd Kaiser. Upon workshop completion, the teachers received credit toward MSU's Masters in Science Education program. Teachers use the MMF facility to produce a solar cell that they take home with them. The teachers came from Missouri, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Wisconsin.

The last day of the program, teachers completed a short survey about the program. All teachers either somewhat agreed or strongly agreed that:

  1. Knew more about how solar cells operate and how they are made after the course
  2. Knew more about how to use engineering examples and applications in their classrooms
  3. Felt more comfortable using engineering applications and talking about engineering in their classrooms